Vision Statement

By the power of the Holy Spirit, through new life in Christ and communion with the Father, Waxhaw Bible Church exists to glorify God.


Core Values

BibleBasedBible Based The Bible is the only inspired, infallible, and inerrant source of revelation from God, and is the foundation for how we interpret the world around us and the basis for all of our life decisions.
PrayerPoweredPrayer Powered Prayer demonstrates our complete dependence on God. Not a formula or form, it is constant communication with Him. Through prayer we seek His direction and strength to accomplish His will.
FamilyFocusedFamily Focused The family unit was ordained by God as the building block for all human society. We believe the primary environment for biblical instruction is the home, so we support the family by encouraging, protecting, and instructing its members in how to fulfill their role.
BodyBuildingBody Building This church body is a community of faith- a place to belong, to be loved, and to show love to others. Therefore we will edify, support, and hold one another accountable to follow Christ’s example.


MissionMindedMission Minded
The mission God has given His church is to make disciples, therefore we will proclaim His message of salvation and show the love of Christ in our church, our community, and the world.
6810 Pleasant Grove Road, Waxhaw, NC 28173         |      Google Map Directions: Click Here        |        704.843.4514